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Bookings & Cancellations
How can I get paid as a traveler?
Can you help me list my hostel?
What currency do you accept?
What are hopping credits?
How can I make money using Hostel Hop as a traveler?
When you recommend a hostel to fellow travelers, and they make a booking using your recommendation, you earn 4% of their booking value. You can share these recommendations with other users directly on the app or share them across your social media via hopping maps. That 4% is provided to you in the app as hopping credits which you can redeem for cash from your profile screen.
Are there any other ways to earn hopping credits?
You can earn hopping credits by making recommendations but you can also earn 500 credits every time you refer someone to the platform and they make their first booking. You also earn 1% back on every booking you make in the app.
Are all hopping credits redeemable for cash?
Not all hopping credits on Hostel Hop are redeemable for cash. While the credits earned from making recommendations can be converted to cash, the 1% back from regular bookings and the 500 credits from friend referrals are exclusively for booking hostels within the app.
What happens when I make a reservation on Hostel Hop?
When you complete a booking on Hostel Hop your selected payment method will be charged for a deposit (down-payment) at the time of booking. You will receive an on-screen confirmation of your reservation which you should print and bring to the property. You will also receive a confirmation email to your email address.

The remaining balance will be due when you arrive at the property and the amount will be clearly displayed on your booking confirmation. This will always be in the local currency of the property. However, please be aware that some bookings types and some properties require payment in advance so make sure to read the House Rules of the property you book!
Why was I charged directly from the hostel when I only gave card details to Hostel Hop?
The only payment Hostel Hop will take is for the deposit. All other charges go through the hostel. If you have any questions about charges from the hostel, please speak to the property directly. You will find their contact details in your booking confirmation email or on their hostel page.
How do I change my booking?
Once a booking is made on Hostel Hop you cannot change the date of the booking on the app. If you've made a non-refundable reservation we recommend contacting the hostel directly to ask them to reschedule. You can find their direct contact information on their hostel page.
What is Hostel Hop's cancellation policy?
Hostel Hop's cancellation policy is 24 hours ahead of your arrival date (unless otherwise stated by the property in their House Rules). This means you should cancel at least 24 hours ahead of the earliest check in date to avoid a no-show or late cancellation charge.
What happens when I cancel a booking?
As soon as you click “Cancel”, the property will be automatically notified of your cancellation. You can cancel up to 24 hours (unless otherwise stated) ahead of the arrival date; after this date has passed, then it will not be possible to cancel online. Cancellations after this time are considered a late cancellation or no-show and additional charges may apply.
What if I have a non-refundable booking?
Once you hit “Cancel” the property is alerted to your cancellation. The property are still entitled to charge you in full for your booking, even in the event of cancellation. The deposit of these bookings are non-refundable,
Can I make full payments online?
You will be asked to pay a deposit to secure your booking, the remaining amount needs to be paid at the property. If you need to discuss the payment with the property, you can find their details in your confirmation email.

Please note: If you make a 'Non-Refundable' booking, or if the property description states that they charge before arrival, you may be charged any time after your booking is confirmed.
Why was I charged directly from the hostel when I only gave card details to Hostel Hop?
If you make a 'Non-Refundable' booking, or if the property description states that they charge before arrival, you may be charged any time after your booking is confirmed. You may also be charged before your arrival if the property has any special conditions in their details section. Please note that the property will take payment using the same method you use to pay the booking deposit.

If you choose the 'Standard Booking' options and the property does not state that they will charge before arrival, you will need to pay the remaining amount arrive at the property.
How long will it take for my hopping credits to transfer to my bank account as cash?
Bank transfers typically arrive within 1 to 3 business days. You can check the estimated arrival date in your personal transactions feed after initiating a transfer. Transfers are reviewed, which may result in delays or funds being frozen or removed from your Hostel Hop account.
I should have already received my bank transfer, but I don't see it. Where is it?
Sometimes, the transfer may post to your bank statement on a different date than the one estimated in the app, so be sure to check the surrounding dates as well. If you still don't see your transfer in your bank account after three full business days, please contact us to find out more.
How do I list my property on Hostel Hop?
You can sign up your property on your own by filling in our property sign up form. Once you have filled in all your information, one of our representatives will be in touch with you within 72 hours to explain how to add bed/room inventory and descriptive information on the site.
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